Tea Tree Oil For Scalp Care – Know How to Maintain Scalp Health

Over the past few years, tea tree oil’s popularity has increased daily. Especially when we talk about its usage in beauty and hair care products. After all, the oil itself boasts many properties that make it worth all the trust put in.

In contrast, most people may have used tea tree oil for their beauty regimen but not for hair. But let us tell you one thing today, tea tree oil is one amazing oil to add to your haircare routine and fight various problems coming your way. Wish to know how? Read on further about tea tree oil for scalp care in detail. 

How Tea Tree Oil Helps in Scalp Care?

Tea tree oil is rich in antibacterial properties that can treat numerous problems associated with scalp health. Whether it’s the issue of scalp infection, dandruff, itchy scalp, or anything else, the rich nutrients of tea tree oil can fight it all. In addition to that, using tea tree oil helps you in cleansing your scalp most naturally without causing them any dryness or damage.

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil For Scalp Health

Now, you know that tea tree oil for the scalp is a magic potion. But we can understand the questions revolving around. So here are some of the most potent benefits of tea tree oil for the scalp. 

Relief From Itchy Scalp

Dandruff and minor fungal infections are frequently to blame for itching. Tea tree oil, which has antifungal properties, might help treat certain illnesses successfully. Tea tree oil may also be able to relieve psoriasis and scratch-induced irritation. In addition, tea tree oil is a great natural cleanser that eliminates agents that cause itchiness to your scalp. 

Balances Scalp Sebum

The best tea tree oil for hair massages the scalp and controls excessive sebaceous gland oil production. Additionally, it prevents pore blockage and keeps the scalp hydrated. Especially when you use shampoo rich in tea tree oil extracts, it prevents the accumulation of sebum on the scalp and provides it with the needed nourishment. 

Moisturize Dry Scalp

According to experts, tea tree oil helps moisturize a dry scalp. Using this oil can indicate improvement in the itchiness and greasiness on the scalp. The oil is rich in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that improve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, a common dry scalp skin condition. Tea tree oil also acts as a natural conditioner to eliminate the agents that cause the scalp’s skin flake. 

Reduces Inflammation

Strong antioxidants present in it can aid in reducing the redness, itching, and soreness that disorders of the scalp can bring on. Tea tree oil can also help reduce inflammation by lowering specific inflammation indicators. With the help of tea tree oil, you can eliminate all the inflammation indicators from the scalp, which leaves it feeling refreshed and smooth. 

Eliminates Dandruff

Dry scalp and hair are not the only causes behind dandruff; they can also result from an oily and irritated scalp. Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal properties, which implies that it can be a helpful remedy for treating dandruff. It is also a potent cleanser, so with its regular use, you can clean your scalp from grime, dirt, or dead skin cells. This will keep your hair follicles free from buildup and dandruff. It also keeps your scalp moisturized and free from dandruff. 

Improves Hair Thickness

According to research, tea tree oil promotes quicker hair development. The essential oil feeds the roots and follicles of the hair, resulting in strong and thick hair. Tea tree oil not only calms an irritated scalp, lessens dandruff and flaking, and stops overproduction of oil, but it also enhances blood flow, enables nutrients to reach hair follicles, balances the pH of the scalp, and speeds up the hair growth cycle to give you a head full of strong, healthy hair.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Scalp Care? 

So, now we know that tea tree oil has many benefits for the scalp. Hence, it’s time for you to add it to your haircare routine with the help of these easy DIY recipes. 

Recipe 1 Tea Tree Oil & Coconut Oil Blend for Dry Scalp 

Mixing tea tree oil with coconut oil could be the ideal solution if you wish to get rid of a dry scalp. Here’s how you can make this oil blend for a dry scalp. 


  • 8-10 drops of Tea Tree Oil
  • 1-2 tablespoons of unrefined coconut oil 

Procedure To Follow

  1. Take a small bowl and mix tea tree oil with coconut oil. 
  2. Apply the mixture onto the scalp and massage it well. 
  3. Leave it on for 30-60 minutes. 
  4. Wash it off with mild shampoo. 

Recipe 2: Tea Tree Oil With Castor Oil For Scalp Health 

Tea tree oil and castor oil are known for their nourishing properties that miraculously rejuvenate scalp health and reduce scalp issues. Here’s how you can use it. 


  • 1 tablespoon of Castor Oil
  • 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil 

Procedure To Follow

  1. Mix the two oils that is tea tree oil and castor oil, together. 
  2. Mix it thoroughly. 
  3. Apply it evenly to your scalp. 
  4. Keep it on your scalp for 30-60 minutes. 
  5. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo. 
  6. Use this oil blend twice a week to see visible results. 

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